Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Kyle Says:

Mommy this is my sister, I love my sister because she talks alot alot alot!

Mommy hurry I need your help .... Sissy needs her face wiped she has white all over it. (dried milk)

Mommy these are my gifts for christmas cause I bought them. (school has gift shop @ christmas for a fundraiser. the kids buy gifts for family.

Mommy are you a teacher? No not anymore. Good I love you just as mommy!

It is tuesday and it feels like Friday

This week has been rough already and it is only Tuesday!
Well, yesterday was a Monday...... we all know that Mondays are like.
Today was awful! Being a new hire/ re-hire you have to take a bout 10 web base classes and test to go with them in the first 15 days of hire. well I have to do it in ten! well, five actually because we were given the list on Friday.
I failed 2 test and have to retake it. It is crazy cause I only missed it by one on each of them.
Well, for me when I take test and do well it starts messing with my mind. That I am not smart enough and dumb for this. Now I know am none of these but it is just the feeling that I get. I truly believe I have testing anxiety. I have always had a problem with this. After I get over the anxiety I always turn out a good grade.

So on top of all that I also cooked dinner and then I have had to finish packing. So I don't have to at last minute.

I am stressing and you can tell by my face! Which I never break out.

Aghhhh I want this all to be over!!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!!!!

Today is Steven's 31st Birthday!!!!!

Happy Birthday Baby!

You are the love of my life and so happy to celebrate getting old with you! ; )

I am so proud of you! IN everything that you do!
Especially this week...... you have been amazing and I thank you for that!!!!!!!!!!
I hope your day has been as special as you hoped for!

I love you!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Updates on new job!!!!

These past few days have been CRAZY!!!!!

Monday: I left the house at 6 am .... that means i got up at 5 am. Got downtown @ 7:30 and went to discovery (orientation). BORING.... this was my second time to Discovery!

Tuesday: Observation at the branch! It was good to be back at the same branch I was once at. I loved see the customer I loved so dearly and still remember!

Today: I was @ the Sugar Loaf branch and will be tomorrow. Just a few classes learning products and policies and such.

Friday and ALL next week I will be in training Medical Center Branch.

Yeah that is right. We had the understanding that I was going to be in training just this week then on the Job next but that is not the case!

Oh, well it all good!

The Kids, Steven and I are all adjusting well!

I don't know what it would be like if the kids were not at CCC. I am so glad they are not at a daycare place.

They have really helped with this transition!

Thank you ALL for all the prayers and thoughts this week! It has greatly helped me.

Monday was the hardest..... As I was leaving and Layla didn't understand why Mommy was leaving. She started crying and well...... I did too!! It got better and now is near normal now!!

Again Thank YOU ALL!!!!!