Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Kyle Says:

Mommy this is my sister, I love my sister because she talks alot alot alot!

Mommy hurry I need your help .... Sissy needs her face wiped she has white all over it. (dried milk)

Mommy these are my gifts for christmas cause I bought them. (school has gift shop @ christmas for a fundraiser. the kids buy gifts for family.

Mommy are you a teacher? No not anymore. Good I love you just as mommy!

It is tuesday and it feels like Friday

This week has been rough already and it is only Tuesday!
Well, yesterday was a Monday...... we all know that Mondays are like.
Today was awful! Being a new hire/ re-hire you have to take a bout 10 web base classes and test to go with them in the first 15 days of hire. well I have to do it in ten! well, five actually because we were given the list on Friday.
I failed 2 test and have to retake it. It is crazy cause I only missed it by one on each of them.
Well, for me when I take test and do well it starts messing with my mind. That I am not smart enough and dumb for this. Now I know am none of these but it is just the feeling that I get. I truly believe I have testing anxiety. I have always had a problem with this. After I get over the anxiety I always turn out a good grade.

So on top of all that I also cooked dinner and then I have had to finish packing. So I don't have to at last minute.

I am stressing and you can tell by my face! Which I never break out.

Aghhhh I want this all to be over!!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!!!!

Today is Steven's 31st Birthday!!!!!

Happy Birthday Baby!

You are the love of my life and so happy to celebrate getting old with you! ; )

I am so proud of you! IN everything that you do!
Especially this week...... you have been amazing and I thank you for that!!!!!!!!!!
I hope your day has been as special as you hoped for!

I love you!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Updates on new job!!!!

These past few days have been CRAZY!!!!!

Monday: I left the house at 6 am .... that means i got up at 5 am. Got downtown @ 7:30 and went to discovery (orientation). BORING.... this was my second time to Discovery!

Tuesday: Observation at the branch! It was good to be back at the same branch I was once at. I loved see the customer I loved so dearly and still remember!

Today: I was @ the Sugar Loaf branch and will be tomorrow. Just a few classes learning products and policies and such.

Friday and ALL next week I will be in training Medical Center Branch.

Yeah that is right. We had the understanding that I was going to be in training just this week then on the Job next but that is not the case!

Oh, well it all good!

The Kids, Steven and I are all adjusting well!

I don't know what it would be like if the kids were not at CCC. I am so glad they are not at a daycare place.

They have really helped with this transition!

Thank you ALL for all the prayers and thoughts this week! It has greatly helped me.

Monday was the hardest..... As I was leaving and Layla didn't understand why Mommy was leaving. She started crying and well...... I did too!! It got better and now is near normal now!!

Again Thank YOU ALL!!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Ten things I am thankful for:

1. Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior...... I would not be who I am today with out HIM!
2. My Husband ..... I love you baby!
3. Kyle... my sweet boy
4. Layla ... my princess
5. My parents.... I could not ask for better parents!
6. My brother and his family!
7. My friends.... you have been here for the good and bad. I love you!!!
8. My home
9.My NEW job
10.My Church family

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Today is Done!

What a day What a day!!

Today was my last day at CCC. I love every single one of my little ones. There are things I will always remember about them.

Brandon: Always wanting to know what Ms. Christina is doing and what time it is.

Patrick : coming to class and say HEY... you would just have to see it.

Gigi: my heart, every morning getting her out of the car and how happy she is to see me.

Gabe: Singing the ABC's and sounds just being his goofy self.

Kaylee: her beautiful smile. Always wanting the cars at play time.

Trevor: His crazy hair :) and how he is always eager to give me hugs. So sweet!

Stacey: Always eager to help her teacher and her friends. Her oh so cute clothes!

Ellie: Those big blue eyes, she is so tender hearted.

Abby: Oh, sweet sweet PRINCESS!! She is my girly girl! Always wants to be the first to do art!

Will: Such a little man! Mommy and Daddy watch out you have a lover boy on your hands! ;)
(He is loving on his stina-me ALL day!!!)

There are so many more things to say just not enough time to say it all!

I had the opportunity to watch these little ones grow in so many ways and I am so blessed to have them in my life!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Yum Yum

I love to cook!! I am always trying new things. We are big Chinese lovers. If could have it everyday we probably would. We love Mexican and Steven is part Italian and live in Louisiana all his life so a Cajun too. So we love all of that. I grew up with country cooking and that is about it.

It wasn't until I moved to Louisiana that I began to try new things.

I love to cook it all.

I never need a recipe unless it is really hard. I like to create my own dishes.

So today after my drug test and finger prints I went to this market called Super H mart.

OMG, OMG, I have been told about this for a long time by my friend Stacey.

I am so glad I went! I am hooked

They have the freshest meat and produce and way less than wal-mart or Kroger.

So I got some steak .... yes steak ready for stir fry (really thin), bought my fresh veggies and lots of DIFFERENT seasonings.

I even bought the fresh noodles.

I did a steak mushrooms, bamboo shoots, onion, snow peas with noodles and a sauce to die for!!!

My Husband LOVED it! It hit the right spot for him!

OK, this is tooting my own horn but I LOVED it too!

It is okay to toot your own horn ever so often!!!

I would love to post a recipe but it was just in my head sorry!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stressed OUT!!!!

I am NUMB. I have so much to do that I don't know what to do first.
My training might be downtown the hole time (2wks) and quit unsure of that. Remind you ... Steven works downtown. I have to figure out all the childcare details. I am having family here for thanksgiving and need to keep the house maintained. Laundry is piling up ...... again! Is this transition going to be harder on me or the kids? Probably me. Am I going to make my Christmas vacation or stay home alone due to training? I have to fill out about 10 forms or more for my new job. I have to get fingerprinted and drug test by Friday. I have to cook dinner and still do a few "chores". I need to SOAK ...... or something. I am so stressed with everything going on in my mind. I have not been eating a lot in all of this.... which is good because it is the bad for you stuff. I have lost 5lbs which is greatly welcomed.
My last day is Tuesday and it is going to be rough. I LOVE my babies!!!!
You see I can just keep going. None of this makes sense but this is how it is going in my head. That is why I am in need of a time out!!!!!!!!!


I just want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Aw.... My little Angels ..... I will miss!

Wow where do I start?

I have been blessed to have my kids at CCC Preschool. Kyle and Layla really loves their teachers.

The teachers have such a great heart and love for the kids.

In April I was happy to come aboard and work at CCC as an assistant. In the Summer I became a teacher where there was another teacher in there as well.

For the fall I was so happy to have my own class. These are my precious little ones the I love so very much. They each have a very special place in my heart.

As a lot of you know I use to work for a bank as a teller.

Well, with much prayer and discussing with Steven I have decided to go back.

I was offered a position where I have to start on Dec 1st.

I accepted it!!!

Unfortunately I have to leave my ten wonder little ones which is very hard to do.

They will be in perfect hands with Ms Jennifer Ms. Stacey and Ms. Lina.

Layla and Kyle will continue through the school year.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Meme and Pops will be here soon!!!

Tomorrow my in-laws will be here through Tuesday. Kyle can not wait! He wishes he could go to the airport with daddy to pick them up. Daddy is going straight from work to pick them up.
We have a busy weekend ahead of us.
Saturday we are going to Stone Mountain and Sunday we are going to some state parks in N.G. Mountains.
I really enjoy meme and pops being here. For one they let us sleep in and they take care of the kids!!! We never get to sleep in!

It has been years since I have gone to Stone Mountain. I am really excited for that!!!!

I am just ready to have extra sets of hands.

I really need the rest and so ready for this!

Monday, November 3, 2008

A lot can happen in 12 days!

Well, I am no longer 25........ I turned 26 on the 28 th and had a wonderful day! It was last tuesday so work was light and easy. I had a great meal with hubby and my two sweet hearts. They did very well and I was so proud of them! Steven and the kids made a cake for me and decorated it so very nicely. When I get the pics I will post.

My in-laws are coming this friday and we have a busy weekend ahead of us. We are doing alot of stuff in very few days. I am ready for a break because they are a GREAT help to me.

Kyle is oh so excited ..... he knows hw gwts presents when meme and pops comes!
We have to count down the days and give him a play
by play!
Layla well she will understand more when they walk through the door!

Steven and I really miss being with family. It is very hard when they are far away and not local.
I long to be near either of our parents one day.

Well anyway, we are all over the sickness and ready to tackle the world!!

I will post more pics soon.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Updates, Updates!

Well, this week has been a rough one. Layla has had a fever since yesterday. We went to the doctor today and she has a throat and ear infection. Because of both infections her fever spiked to 104.9 in the middle of the night. We got the fever down thank GOD!
So needless to say no school for me and the kiddos tomorrow. I think I am having sympathy pains. At least I hope that is why my throat is scratchy.
Last time Layla had an ear infection Kyle got one at the same time. I hope it doesn't happen this time!
Well, I never thought I would be spending my B-day weekend with sick babies! Well, what was I thinking? I am a mommy of two!! LOL

I hope that everything is better by Tuesday. So I can have a great b-day with my family!

Luckily Kyle is great and has been a big help for me. It was so sweet.... when Layla was vomiting he said my I'll go get a wet paper towel. He knows what we do! That was so sweet and helpful.
You should see how he is with his sister! It is so very sweet. He prayed for her last night. He said..... Dear Jesus help my sissy to feel better take her fever away and help her not to choke (throw up) and help her feel better so we can go to school and play outside. AMEN

Ah, my sweet boy! He really is her protector! I love that!

Well, I will give and update later Just say prays for my little ones and for me. I really have not had any sleep.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Yay We Did it!!

Well as we all know Layla is 2 and she was still on the bottle until Wednesday morning. I had enough and through them all out. I showed her what I was doing and told her that big girls don't drink bottles. I had to explain that there was none in the cabinet, sink, or dish washer. I thought I was going to have the hardest time at bed time but didn't. She loves that bottle and she would want it at night too. That's why I had enough of it!!!
Well the first night I had to get up and get a sippy cup for her. The last two nights have been great! No getting up at all!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! So is that what it took to get a straight nights sleep!?! Well, I should have done it along time ago! LOL

Something that happened this morning:
I always cook breakfast on Saturday mornings. You know bacon sausage eggs pancakes.... that type of breakfast. I don't cook all of that at the same time. Well, Layla has been clinging to me so I had her "help" me. She was sitting on the counter by the fridge and holding an egg. I told her to hold it tight. I turned to get a fork and she started saying 1 2 3 jump........ First thing that went through my mind was oh no she is jumping. Nope... it was the egg. She looked at me and said oh, no mommy it falled. I couldn't help to laugh she then put her lips out and said mommy kiss! Go figure.
She is oh so smart to be a very young 2 yr old!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Friday!

This week has been crazy!!! Mon night I had a Premier Jewelry show which was awesome!! I had alot of fun and really enjoyed it

Tuesday I went to a Tupperware party and all I have to say is that I am now addicted to Tupperware!

Wednesday I hurt my back. It was either my 60 lb 4 yr old or 10 2 yr olds?!

Thursday I was miserable with back pain.

Today was a great day. Only had to put one child in time out but that is normal for him!

I love my 2 yr old babies! They are the cutest things! I love being their teacher!

No matter how crazy my week is ..... they keep me cheered up and feel so loved. They are the best huggers!!!

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kyle Baby

Ever since Kyle was an infant my granny Stephens has called him Kyle Baby.

Well, I love my granny dearly she is ninety - one and has always been full of life. This year she was diagnosed with dementia. She has gone down hill so badly my aunt had to put her in a nursing home.
My Granny can't remember very much and most days she doesn't know her own children. The one person she remembers is her Kyle baby. It makes me happy to know there is something in brain that still clicks when she hears the words Kyle Baby.
It saddens me to know she has gotten this way but comforts me to know she remembers Kyle. She might not remember that I am his momma but as long as she remembers something I am happy!

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Saturday!!!

This past week has been CRAZY and I am so glad it is over! Between crazy home life and the craziness of the school week I am Crazied out!
I am looking forward to this week. Monday I am having a Premier Jewelry Party, Tuesday I am going to a tuperware party. Saturday Kyle has a party to go to. So we have a fun and busy week ahead of us!

Well, back to cleaning the house. I will have more post later lots of stories to tell!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

But.... Mommy He needed a bath!

Kyle has gotten on this kick of washing his hands all the time. Oh no we have another uncle Jay Jay on our hands. I don't mind it but is over board.
Well, tonight Kyle went potty and was washing his hands. He was in there for a while but I was cooking dinner so I was doing what I needed to get done and what do you know he came out with cuddly(his build a bear). I knew something was wrong but didn't know until...... I SAW Cuddly dripping with water. I said .... Kyle what did you do? I gave cuddly a bath in the sink oh, Kyle teddy bears don't get baths like that. But mommy, He needed a bath cause he was dirty!
I had the hardest time keeping a straight face. I still had to get on to him because well we just don't do that!
Oh, NO someone is in the bathroom again......... I need to make sure his is not flooding the bath room!


We have really been pushing potty training at home. My Goal is by the end of December to be completely trained.

Well the past 2 weeks Layla has been telling me I go potty so I take her.

So now I am very proud of her and never thought I would be so happy to talk about poop.

We got home today and she said I go potty. It felt like poop was in her pants. I said did you poop? No I go poop. Well, I put her on the potty and left her for just one minute came back and she was off and said I pooped!!! Oh Yes she did! So I Danced and sang to her!

I hope it is sooner than December!!!
Again I am oh so proud of her!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Here Goes!

I Love to blog!!! I blog on myspace but needed my own place for it so I have decided to make this my blog home!!!
I am going to use this to voice our daily experience. Wether it is with my babies, friends, and family I want to tell All!!!!

I hope you all enjoy it all!!!!